My research lies at the intersection of behavioral economics, psychology, data science, and communication science. Employing a diverse array of methods including laboratory and online experiments, surveys, machine learning and natural language processing, I explore the complexities of human decision-making and communication processes at the individual, group, and organizational level.

One practical application of Pay-What-You-Want is the American Museum of Natural History in New York, which I use as product in some of my projects. (picture taken by Elisa Hofmann)

In general, my research interests are:

  • Behavioral and Experimental Economics
  • Behavior and Decision-Making under Uncertainty
  • Prosocial Behavior and Cooperation
  • Participative Pricing Mechanisms, such as Pay-What-You-Want
  • Data Science including Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing
  • Communication Science and Journalism Research
  • Resilience
  • Framing Effects
  • Social Norms
  • Interpersonal Closeness
  • Audience Effect and Social Image Concerns
  • Design of Climate Change Negotiations


Work in Progress

  1. Evaluating the Methodological Robustness of Social Norm Measurements (with Deliah Bolesta) [Working Paper coming soon]
  2. A Natural Language Processing Approach to Understand Strategic Avoidance of Pay-What-You-Want Schemes [Working Paper coming soon]
  3. Unmasking Disinformation: Applying Machine Learning to Detect Fake News Articles [Data Analysis Ongoing]
  4. Pay-What-You-Want and Uncertainty (with Tobias Regner) [Data Analysis Ongoing]
  5. How Framing of Climate Change Communication Affects Risk Perceptions [Planning the Experiments]